The journey begins.
Incoming medical students in the WashU Medicine Entering Class of 2024 received their white coats on Friday, October 18, 2024.
Jump to: Class Oath | Photo Gallery
The ability to care about a person you don’t even know is the miracle of human civilization and the very center of that miracle is in academic medical centers like ours. Medicine and medical science offer the clearest evidence we have that human beings are a cooperative species, that we want to help each other.
David H. Perlmutter, MD,
Executive Vice Chancellor for Medical Affairs, the George and Carol Bauer Dean of WashU Medicine, and the Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Distinguished Professor
Getting to know our new medical students
65 WOMEN | 59 MEN

105 MD | 19 MD/PHD
27% from
socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds
89% have
merit and/or need-based scholarships
67% have full tuition funding

It is a powerful symbol of the medical profession’s profound responsibility, unwavering dedication and deep commitment to healing.
Tammy L. Sonn, MD
Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Student Oath
Written by the Entering Class of 2024
As I enter the profession of medicine, I acknowledge and embrace the responsibilities and privileges entrusted to me today as a physician in training.
I pledge to devote myself to the service of humanity.
The health of my patients will be my first consideration, and I will strive to do no harm or injustice upon them.
I acknowledge my debt to my patients, from whom I will learn, and to whom my service is earnestly devoted.
I will keep in confidence that which is confided in me, earning the trust of those in my service with honesty and integrity.
No personal distinctions of any manner shall intervene with my duty as a physician.
I will advocate for my patients, honoring their identities and values in my care.
I will demonstrate compassion and respect for every person, in life and death, and strive for the preservation of all peoples.
Even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge to the detriment of humanity.
I will actively participate in my community and promote health through education, prevention, and treatment.
I will show my teachers respect and gratitude, humbly dedicating myself to a lifetime of learning and teaching both the art and the science of medicine.
I will support my colleagues in solidarity and accountability.
I will maintain by all the means in my power, the honor, dignity, and noble traditions of the medical profession.
I make these promises solemnly, freely, and upon my honor. In doing so, I acknowledge my fallibility, that though I strive, I may yet fall short.
I commit to ask for help without hesitation, to treat myself with the same grace that I extend to my patients and my colleagues, and to refine, always, my practice of medicine.
May I honor this oath as the foundation of my continuous growth in this profession, as I aspire to uplift the health, happiness, and humanity of those I serve, forever with earnest gratitude and profound responsibility.
WashU Medicine is thrilled to welcome
the Entering Class of 2024!

Photos by Matt Miller/Washington University School of Medicine
A curriculum unmatched
The Gateway Curriculum allows WashU Medicine students to explore and define individual career interests and aspirations, then to pursue those interests and gain exposure to academic careers.
Student orientation
Incoming students launch their medical journey during orientation, when students get to know each other, their new school, and their community in St. Louis. The week culminates with the White Coat Reflection.
What is a White Coat Ceremony?
About the tradition »